Animation System Programming

July 2023

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When I was still working on my Master's thesis (March-June 2023), I had a growing interest in learning about animation programming for real-time applications such as video games. However, I held back from working on it because I was still occupied with my thesis, and I struggled to find a good resource on this topic. That is, until I discovered Gabor Szauer's book, "Hands-On C++ Game Animation Programming," which covers almost everything I wanted to learn.

This project is an implementation of the aforementioned book. In this project, I learned about and created an animation system from scratch, which includes:

  1. Math implementations (vectors, matrices, and quaternions)
  2. Basic renderer using OpenGL (glfw and glad)
  3. Implementing animation clips using curves, frames, and tracks
  4. Mesh skinning
  5. Animation blending and crossfading
  6. Inverse kinematics using Cyclic Coordinate Descent (CCD) and Forward And Backward Reaching Inverse Kinematics (FABRIK)
  7. Dual quaternion for smoother blending
  8. Rendering instanced crowds by sampling animations and poses into textures

The original implementation in the book was developed for Windows, while during the time I read this book, I am using a MacOS. As a result, the code is not exactly the same as the one in the book since some modifications were required to make the application run in MacOS.

Harits Nur Fauzan 2023